Selasa, 01 Maret 2016


Within increasing irrigation fungtion, Department Organize Resource Energy Mineral Water. West java will development many Weir in several hotspot in west java, the first one become priority  that Weir in lewikeris.
For to maximaze irrigation fungtion,as a lead of PSDA Department Edi S Nasution said. Building will be realization in four area they are : lewikeris , ciawi, sukamahi, kuningan and cipanas.

Said his all this Weir will be coasting from APBN. While cipanas Weir and kuningan will be realization Balai Besar cimanuk river-cisanggarung but leuwikeris by BBWS Citanduy, sukamahi dan ciawi by BBWS Ciliwung-Cisadane. Beside of they Weir citarum has prepare to build barrage samawa in area subang and sumedang.pool retension cienteung and fload way in cisangkuy river.

In other sides Jatigede,s Weir still on progress and will finish in this years, we hope full it can help many people for increase their economic. Many people lived around jatigede’s Weir hanged out their future. To help their government have to give sosialization especially about what they have to do for survive in there such us job training  give a new job, soon

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