Rabu, 23 Agustus 2017
Importance synergy and harmonization in the Developing Government

Senin, 21 Agustus 2017
Strategies Communication among Central Government and local government in the digital era

Ensuring the implementation of National Development, so government has strategies Communication to create stable and dynamic conditions, consist with several factor there are :
- Political stability and security, the government must protect indonesia's diversities , to increase public trust for apparatus, to increase collective awareness of the danger of the terrorism
- Managing the Bureaucracy becomes effective and efficient these means to increase integrity, accountability, effectiveness a
- combating corruptions, corruptions is the big problem in our country until now days government still struggling for fight it, Corruptions eradication commission (KPK) has investigated many corruptions case, in the last their gets an evidences in Ktp el case, for combating this problems government must build effectiveness law enforcement andthen optimize effort to prevention corruption to increase effectiveness reformation bureaucracy
- Economic Growth, availability of infrastructure to support the improvement of economic progress anthen strengthening the economic structure andthen manage the regulations overlap
- acceleration of equity and justice
- sustainable development in these poin we can see in the usage of resources and waste the reduce, strengthening controlling of pollution and development governance that encourages the use of resource and technology
Selasa, 08 Agustus 2017
Solutions For Developing Villages
Central government has been working hard to build regions from the villages, every years central government allocates village's budget to finance the implementation of villages government , developing villages, empowering community. the allocated it calculated based on several aspects : area, popullation, poverty, and infrastructures. in this year government allocations from national budget for villages's budget amounted to 60 trillion to 74910 villages in 434 districts/cities, but for allocations will be realized in two term, for the first term allocations in march (60 percentage), and 40 percentage in augustentral government has been working hard to build regions from the villages, every years central government allocates village's budget to finance the implementation of villages government , developing villages, empowering community. the allocated it calculated based on several aspects : area, popullation, poverty, and infrastructures. in this year government allocations from national budget for villages's budget amounted to 60 trillion to 74910 villages in 434 districts/cities, but for allocations will be realized in two term, for the first term allocations in march (60 percentage), and 40 percentage in august
but in the process implementation still have money problems such as :
indicative budget report from villages government to late submitted to the district so that they have effect to legitimate village regualations, many apparatus's village doesn't know how to manage village, many apparatus has less educations, bad integrity so that the consequences,most of village leaders had been doing discretion example : corruption case approximately 21 cases in this year, beside of that in subang's village, treasurer has robbed who is taking village's money in the bank amounted 195 million,
to control the villages, ministry of home affairs focus to minimaze the problems with many efforts they are sosialitation of ministry's regulation No. 113-114/2014 about village financial management and guidelines for village development, traning apparatus's village , andthen ministry of home affairs cooperative with BPKP for developing a village financial system on applicatios such us : app management village's asset, village financial reporting system, etc
in sum of this problems, ministry of home affairs has to give recommendation for allocating village's budget so if that has been succes, the principle for good government will do fluently.
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